Increase Your Tourism Bookings Using Email Marketing - The Easy Guide
By Tomahawk on
While fresh ways for reaching people online keep popping up, few are as effective as going directly to a potential customer and hitting their email inbox with one of your latest offers. When used correctly, Email Marketing can lead to increased bookings - so here are three ways to best use Electronic Direct Marketing and E-Newsletters
1. Share the Love
Encourage your offer to be shared around! Offer a special to your past guests and newsletter sign-ups then encourage them to share the deal with their friends and family – “spread the news and share the love”. Let’s face it, we all know someone who could do with some good news and TLC, and more so, everyone loves a good special. This is a also a great way to expand your brand awareness. Everyone gains something out of it, and the biggest winner is your business.
2. Create a package around an event
Special events and the tourism industry go hand in hand. From a sporting event to the latest music festival, whenever and wherever there are events - there are people. Why not take full advantage of this increased foot traffic in town. Offer an incentive via email marketing that will also entice these visitors through your doors. Even something like a change in season can be an excuse to have an event-based send out. For example, a winter season special or Food & Wine Festival event package. If you’re not already doing some sort of event based marketing - now is a great time to start!
3. Create a package around a theme
If your business suffers from a decline in numbers during the off-peak and shoulder season, a good remedy can be to create a reason for people to come to you. Creating a package around a certain theme can do just that. Present an idea to your mailing list that plants the thought on why they may need your product. Think along the lines of a "girls weekend away" based theme, where the package or offer you provide in your E-Newsletter caters to this. For example a "spa and wellness package". The trick with this one is to only send out to the targeted demographic!
Trust the Experts…
In terms of ROI, Email Marketing can be one of the most effective tools in your arsenal. It’s a relatively cheap and simple thing to do but can provide a direct link to increased bookings. It’s important to always have a punchy subject line to ensure opening rate is high and that your send outs provide an end purpose.
If you would like to increase your bookings using Email Marketing, Tomahawk can help you out! Our services range from a simple and specially designed newsletter template and content consultancy to the full service where we take everything off your plate and do the hard yards for you. For more information and to get on top of your E-Marketing, Talk to Us Today!