Meet our tourism leaders
In 2023 we are celebrating our team of talented senior tourism leaders with over 150 years of combined tourism experience! With this knowledge behind Tomahawk you can be confident in a partnership that delivers tourism focused solutions for your business.

Gina Paladini
Years in tourism: 30+
NZ Encounters, Founder & Director
Tour Writer, Founder & Sales
ResBook PMS, Founder
Tomahawk, Founder & Marketing Director
"When you travel, it's all about the experiences and stories you come back with, so make sure your tourism business has an epic experience and a richly r elatable story about why you do what you do. "

John Hayson
Corpendo NZ
, DirectorResBook PMS, Director
Tomahawk, Founder & Director
"Be kind and support your peers. This is a small indust
ry with the vast majority doing an exceptional job with limited resources. None of us can do it alone and if we grow the industry together we grow it for all."
Renee Goodsell
Years in tourism: 22
The Victoria Hotel, Reservations Manager
Mitchell Corp, Sales
Sudima Hotels, Marketing & Sales
Tomahawk Marketing Manager
Tomahawk Head of Digital
Tomahawk Gene ral Manager
" Ask questions! There are so many intelligent and amazin g people in tourism and marketing, lean in on their knowledge to either learn from or get them involved to help"

Grant Colquhoun
Years in tourism: 30+
Sabre Pacific Account Manager
Travelocity Sydney & Asia Pacific
Tripadvisor Senior Account Director
Maverick Digital Head of Partnerships
reZme Business Advisor
Tomahawk Account Director
"Don' t stand still. Evolve yourself and your business. Take a test and learn approach to everything you do."

Michelle Ackers
Years in tourism: 30+ years
Air New Zealand Retail Marketing
Vianet booking system, Marketing & Sales
Tourism Marketing Consulting
Tourism Industry Blog, Founder
Salt Air Scenic Flights, Marketing & Sales
Tomahawk Brand Marketing Manager
"Through the ups and downs, never lose sight of the reasons you love tourism - this is what drives your business success."

Emma Brown
Years in tourism: 22
ROAR Creative, Community Management
ABC Business Sales, Marketing
Nazar Group Marketing & Events
Coco Lily Events, Event Management
Qualmark, Communications
Tomahawk Senior Account Manager
Tomahawk Project Manager
now your WHY , and live and breathe it across everything the business touches."