
Category Archives: Website SEO

How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Google AdWords - Our Top 5 Tips

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A market gamechanger since it boomed on the scene over the last decade, Google AdWords is unparalleled for revenue generation. Harnessing the power of the mighty AdWords can seem like a daunting task, particularly if you have little to no experience with paid online advertising. Then, once thrust into de facto campaign set-up and management, the tourism business owner can find themselves into a spiral of spending money without generating any leads or engagement

To avoid that “money down the drain” feeling, we have compiled a list of best practice tips for search engine marketing:

1.  Choose your battles wisely.

What is the goal you are trying to achieve through AdWords?  For example, if the proverbial “bums on seats” are your ultimate business goal, an offer-led, punchy...

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Intrusive Interstitial Penalty: Will You be Affected?

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Google has officially announced that they’ve rolled out the penalty that affects pages where content is not easily accessible to the user on mobile. The heads up on this has been on the webmaster blog since August 23, 2016.

The penalty only impacts intrusive interstitial that appear right after tapping the mobile search result. It does not impact pages that come up later. The search engine giant also stresses on the fact that this new signal is just one of hundreds that are used in ranking.

Understanding What Intrusive Interstitials Are

In the blog post, the search engine giant has given three good examples of interstitials that they consider intrusive. The following techniques make the content less accessible to mobile users and will therefore be affected:

  • A popup...

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Tomahawk Whitepaper: Online Distribution

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It's time to throw away previous models of online distribution! Tomahawk Director and tourism marketing expert Gina Paladini presents the drastic changes in online distribution for tourism, and how your business can stay ahead of the curve.

Download the whitepaper as a PDF

Let’s start by looking back to the 1990 era of travel distribution.


“Those were the days.” The distribution chain was an easy, single flat line with the novel addition of a supplier having their first website.


Today the available distribution "chain" is more like a bicycle wheel with spokes than a chain!\


The increase of distribution channels options requires an deep understanding of your customers, and which channels are best for each stage of the travel purchase...

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Write the Right Way - Typography

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While imagery and design dominate the overall look and feel of a website, there is no denying the fact that more than 50% of any average business website is words. At the end of the day, your customer is browsing your website to gain information about your product, not just look at pretty pictures. It is therefore crucial to devote a lot of careful thought and deliberation to getting typography right on your website. 

Choose the right type


Finding the ideal font to pair with your brand can be challenging. There is a plethora of good typefaces out there, but which is that one combination that fits your needs perfectly?

There are multiple styles to choose from such as Serif, Sans serif, handwritten, cursive script, decorative or different weights like Regular, Bold, Italic,...

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No more right-hand side ads - what do the Google changes mean for me?

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Over the past month Google has changed the way Adwords is displayed on desktop search results. Have you noticed the difference yet? Here's how the changes may affect your business.

What changed?

Empty Right Hand Side Google Adwords

  1. No more text ads shown on the right-hand side.
  2. Up to four ads are now shown above organic (natural) search results – when previously the maximum was three.
  3. Three ads are also now shown at the bottom of the page.
  4. This means the number of maximum text ads has been reduced to seven whereas before there could be 11.

Why did it change?

Many people will say the answer is money, but by removing the ads on the right, Google has created a cleaner user experience that is more consistent with how mobile search is displayed. The right-hand space is also now used for other...

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Google's Warning to Non Mobile Friendly Websites

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All we seem to be reading about at the moment is the Google Mobile "Armageddon", the premise that on the 21 April if you are not mobile-friendly your website will be surreptitiously wiped off the face of search.

But it’s not quite all that dramatic. Let’s look at what is actually involved and whether you should be panicking just yet.


We've been telling our tourism clients this for some time now: you must invest in a mobile-friendly (ideally responsive) website to succeed online. It’s no longer a “nice-to-have” - it’s a must-have.

  • There are 1.08 billion smartphones in the world
  • 50% of local search is done on a mobile device
  • Nearly half of consumers say they won’t return to a website if it doesn’t load well on mobile

Last year...

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