Category Archives: Tourism Marketing
Digital Trends 2017 Part 1: Mobile is Still the Biggest Focal Point
By Tomahawk on
Have you jumped on the mobile bandwagon yet? If you haven’t yet, you are missing out big time! Mobile continues its ascend up the ladder of importance for internet users. Most website owners are starting to see the percentage of mobile as a channel grow month on month.
Google is at the forefront of this paradigm shift as they continue to push for the perfect mobile experience. In 2014, they added the mobile-friendly label to search results to help users “find pages where the text and content were readable without zooming in.” While plans for removal of this label are already underway, Google will continue to include the mobile-friendly criteria as a ranking signal.
Get Started on Mobile
First things first, if you’re not yet mobile-friendly, call Tomahawk now. We can help...
Digital Trends 2017 Part 2: Interactive Content
By Tomahawk on
Our big prediction for 2017 is the rise of interactive content. Gone are the days when internet users are happy consuming just big chunks of text. The popularity of infographics started a trend towards content that uses imagery. This year, we will see people wanting to interact more with content – possibly by choosing different paths in that content.
A good example that would bode well for the travel industry is the use of maps. Ahrefs recently published an article related to this, showing how it can be used for link building. It doesn’t have to be overly complicated and can focus on the following: data/research, trending topics, pop culture, funny facts and fully interactive maps.
Another form of interactive content users are just consuming like mad are those that offer a...
DGiT: The Future of Travel Research
By Tomahawk on
What if you had access to research data that could tell you where your visitors come from and why they are visiting your location? How would this shape your marketing strategy and your events calendar? Most businesses are affected by seasonality and user demand. For the travel industry, insight into these two factors can drive a year’s worth of planning, dictate your budget and resource allocation and really keep the serious travel business owner up at night.
Traditionally, there are several ways to gain insight into your user demographics:
- The old-fashioned travel business would look to their paper-based logbooks, guest portfolios or do the tried-and-tested guest survey prior to check-in.
- Those who are more financially capable can hire an agency to conduct market research,...
Decoding Your Logo
By Tomahawk on
Your logo is the face of your company. It creates a first impression and can greatly impact how your brand is perceived. You will use it everywhere, from your business cards and website to your signage and may even extend your company car! So of course, you really need to get it right.
The first and foremost essential for a good logo, is that it should be bespoke. It should be custom designed by an expert, in line with the company’s vision and appeal not only to you but to your target audience.
Secondly it should be relevant to your product and industry. Relevance does not mean using generic industry icons – the Mercedes logo is not a car, the McDonalds logo is not a burger. It needs to be visually unique so it stands out in a crowd. There is a lot...
The Power of the Female Traveller
By Tomahawk on
The majority voice of travel is now more powerful than ever. She’s the female traveller, and her fistful of dollars packs a serious punch.
“The gatekeeper,” “the adventure traveler” – referred to by various monikers for her value in group, family, and solo travel, her nature as a planner is intrinsically tied to revenue potential in tourism. Her collective opinion can make or break a travel business. She’s ascended to absolute power in trip planning and she rocks a size 12 dress.
If your business has roots in tourism, make sure there’s a marketing strategy in place speaking directly to women. Why? Because the value is mind blowing.
Dollar Power
Women make up the bulk of travel’s target market. According to Forbes, this segment makes 80% of travel decisions. That’s a...
Tomahawk Opens Office in New Orleans
By Tomahawk on
We're excited to announce a new office in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Welcome to Marica Mackenroth Brewster, a digital tourism marketing veteran, to head the new region as Accounts Director – US. Our goal is to offer a new audience their highly specialized tourism expertise with a centrally located agent available during business hours in the States. Mrs. Brewster will bring the firm’s strategy consulting, digital creative and website construction, SEO and SEM, and ResBook – the company’s boutique hotel reservation software - to new and existing clients.
Marica's background includes keyword bidding for the city of New Orleans’ publicly funded post Hurricane Katrina recovery campaign, a position leading 300 clients on the digital agency side, and marketing direction for Pelican New...