
Category Archives: Social Media

Content Tools we LOVE for creating stories

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The marketing industry loves buzz words, One that has stuck around for a while, and we wholeheartedly agree with is ‘content is king’ (well actually it’s a buzz-phrase). Here at Tomahawk we tend to be more inclined to say content is King, Queen and well, the whole monarchy!

Content can be text, photos, videos, blogs and many more shared across various channels. Today, we are specifically looking at some of our favourite tools to create visual content that can be shared across social media.


All T-Hawks here at Tomahawk love Canva! This tool is so easy to use and has a great range of templates with a simple drag and drop functionality. They also have a great app for both ios and android or you can use it on your desktop. Canva also has a super blog on their site that...

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What Drives Conversions - Social Media or Google Ads? | Monday Marketing Minutes with Tomahawk

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What drives conversions? Social Media or Google Ads? A question we get asked A LOT! Listen in to Monday Marketing Minutes to hear our thoughts on the topic.

#mondaymarketingminutes #betterneverstops?

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6 Insightful Instagram Facts | Monday Marketing Minutes with Tomahawk

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Today in the nest, our Monday Marketing Minute includes 6 insightful Instagram facts so you can boost your engagement (and hopefully bookings!) today. 

#mondaymarketingminutes #betterneverstops


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Power of Video Marketing | Monday Marketing Minutes with Tomahawk

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This week in the nest we talk about the Power of Video Marketing . . . it's cheaper than you think!

Viewers remember 95% of a message when they watch a video vs. 10% when reading. The video campaigns we run for clients get a 1,200% increase in engagement & on average enjoy a 24% increase in bookings!

#mondaymarketingminutes #betterneverstops


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4 tips to conquer Facebooks latest update

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Facebook has done it again!

Facebook is working hard to keep businesses on their toes with a major overhaul planned for 2018. Their vision is to change your news feed in the coming months with a new algorithm that will prioritize posts from friends, family and groups first, leaving business content at the bottom of the barrel. Pay close attention, your organic reach may just drop off a cliff!

What does this mean to your business page? Mostly that your organic reach (which currently only reaches about 2 - 4% of your audience) is going down to zero.

However, hope is not lost, there are ways to reach your target audience, you will just have to be smarter about it.

Here are our four top tips to ensure your posts don’t get lost.

1.  Generate original, shareable...

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Rain, cold weather, or sun: advertise with weather ads on Social Media

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Winter continues, and for some its getting rather wet and cold! For those wanting to make the most of these cooler months head to the snow, enjoy a pizza by the fireplace with friends or explore new areas of New Zealand, in our case the Great Lake Taupo region.

You sit at your desk dreaming of what to do this weekend and an ad pops into your newsfeed telling you the weather is great for that ideal ski weekend! Or the weather is perfect to embrace the cooler days with a relaxing soak in the hot pools. 
This is where things start to get fun! The ads that are served differ based on weather, whether that be past, current or future weather conditions (set to your preferences) you can reach those who might be looking for indoor activities on raining days, or outdoor on sunny...

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