Bronze | Silver | Gold | |
Monthly Industry Update Email | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Dedicated Key Account Manager | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Check-in and Planning Call | Bi-Monthly | Monthly | Monthly |
Quarterly In-Person Review | No | No | Yes |
Email/Call Response Time | 48 Hours | 24 Hours | Same Day |
Tomahawk offers a range of pricing options to suit businesses of all sizes. From Tomahawk Bronze, offering access to our team of Account Managers and a personalised portal, through to Tomahawk Black with a dedicated Senior Account Manager, monthly calls, and same-day response time. See below for a full breakdown of options available.
Bronze | Silver | Gold | |
Monthly Industry Update Email | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Dedicated Key Account Manager | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Check-in and Planning Call | Bi-Monthly | Monthly | Monthly |
Quarterly In-Person Review | No | No | Yes |
Email/Call Response Time | 48 Hours | 24 Hours | Same Day |